One daylily at a time is how my crazy obsession of collecting daylilies began. I purchased Hemerocallis 'Baja.' It done well, then I began to find a world of variety. Buying this daylily and that daylily, which led to a lot of plants. Visiting other daylily gardens led to my dream of sharing my passion with others.
When the daylilies bloom, I see Jesus smiling at me. He is saying, "That a girl! This is what you are meant to do." Seeing the joy and smiles of my customers as they stroll through the garden reminds me of why this is my dream.
We have been growing daylilies for 20+ years and counting. I am a member of the American Daylily (Hemerocallis) Society. ADS is a great resource for information, clubs and daylily database. We are part of ADS Region 2.